Friday, January 15, 2016

Jonsona Reflects On 2015 and Talks About the New Album: Full Circle

Have I come full circle? Maybe.

[]]] WRITTEN BY JONSONA 1|20|2016

*In 2015, Jonsona made his place, his mark, on the internet.
The problem is: getting noticed without support, money or a manager (or management company) which leaves him, one unnoticed star in a never ending universe of artists, musicians, websites and millions upon millions of people.

I may never be given a chance and die a monetarily poor and unrecognized artist but until I am physically not able or up until I die, I will still continue to create and produce music and videos! As long as I don't just stop, or give up... then whatever happens will be okay.

This article will address life and death, illness, the year of 2015, the new album coming out this spring and its 12 tracks (and one bonus track) and what the future may hold for the perpetual diamond in the rough, talented artist and musician known simply as... JONSONA.

2015 - the 3 Full Albums & 2016

So, we all know now, the story of trying to "sell" my first record and how that blew up in my face - the copyrighted loops issues with Mixcraft 7, and how I retired "Bypass Ratio" (my former music entity) in late 2014 to create the entity "Jonsona" for a more polished and professional but very personal brand.
Everything has been a struggle with producing this music and the videos but when I take a step back and look at and listen to all that I have created and accomplished with this art, in 2015, I am like... you know what? I'M GOOD! I am damn good at this!

There are always obstacles to overcome though - with the presentation and with life in general.

I get my blood drawn every six months now, to make sure that medicines I am taking are keeping my immune system in working order and waiting for those results (I find out Jan 21st) always induces a bit of minor psychosis in me for there is always that possibility that I have become resistant -  and I have taken everything else and became resistant to those so - "who knows" always surfaces and if I become resistant to the current meds, there's nothing left to take and well, that's it for "me". But I have been dealing with this since 2005 and even years before any disease entered my physical body - this stigma began even before I ever had sex and then after I did but was still okay... watched so many people die in the 1990s and early 2000s. So, I'm used to "the worry".

And "I" almost kicked the bucket in the summer of 2014! What's weird is that, that wasn't one of the more emotionally significant moments of my life but don't get me wrong - it did have an effect on me and if that hadn't happened, "Jonsona" may have never surfaced!

When I last went to my doctor,  for my check up - I addressed some physical issues I have been having for the last few months (I won't go into details) but with an issue I have right now, the word CANCER came up! 
With all of my health issues over the years, THAT word has never come up in the same sentence with MY name in it.

I am going to a specialist soon, in the big city, to address the general issue but also, to maybe address the fact that there is a slight chance that I may have cancer. The issue that I have that can cause cancer has been there for 10 years. I was told by my doctor (a different one) back in 2005, that the issue would just go away and I didn't have to worry about it. Then, 10 years later, symptoms arose and indeed it's still there and if it is something that can cause cancer and it's been in my body for this long... that's a bit disconcerting to say the least!
I probably don't have cancer and my doctor said that too but he was (is) concerned about it and so am I!

What would I do if I have cancer? I always promised myself that I wouldn't do chemotherapy. That may seem selfish but I told myself, if you get cancer, just try to address it with natural and homeopathic treatments. But if I actually get told, "you have cancer" - will I still feel the same? Will I do chemo and get super sick and lose my hair (if my government poor people insurance would even pay for it) or will I let my body go in a painful but peaceful and dignified manor?
And what about my family, my close friends? Is it fair to the people who love me to just let myself go?

That is how my 2016 has begun. UGH!
But I am far from freaking out. I've actually been pretty mellow so far, considering! One day and one moment at a time.

Either way, the outcome of diagnosis of things (is it good, bad?) will effect the work and release date of my new record.

Obviously if I am wiped out by cancer meds, I won't be making any videos. Or be singing. As of now though, I am just slowly putting it together, most of the music is finished - about 40% of the lyric writing is done. 

If I get good reports, then it is full steam ahead for Full Circle! And many changes to how I take care of myself.
I know I know, I should've eaten better and not smoked last year, stuff like that but aside from that, I did do a good job at keeping up on insurance issues, taken my medications religiously and kept up on my doctor appointments. After all of that, it would suck to die NOW - but as they say, and when and if the time comes soon, if it's your time, it's your time. If God needs me more that I am needed on this earth then that's the way it'll be.

That's where my life is as of January 2016. Whatever happens though, I will finish this album. This music is what keeps me going, keeps me sane, keeps my soul from rotting!
"Jonsona" is the ONLY thing that I have EVER been passionate about. My biggest wish though, is that I could just find some people in this world who are as passionate about what I do and the finished art, as I am! 

Really, that's kind of what this new album is about. Coming "full circle" in life. I feel like I have in general. But with this new possible health threat looming over my head, it kind of brings a whole new meaning to the record - and is even going to change some of the writing for it.

Even my music has come full circle to a certain extent.
Exemplify was Jonsona's introduction to the world. Rough around the edges but a great album, a "Hello, this is a peek into my psyche." And like life, (life imitates art right?) that project blew up in my face. That record is forever associated with that experience but I am very fond of Exemplify, none the less. It was my very first full studio album after all!

Then came Jonny Malignity - A celebration of life. Really realizing that even though the world kind of sucks, as can life, that the death of a nine year old girl who was the daughter of a good friend, who was so strong and fought until the very end can make you realize that you don't have it so bad. 
Justice Spencer did that for me. (RIP angel) - Even though most songs are not related to the subject of her except for the song, Fly With The Angels - she inspired much of this record!

As the autumn rolled around though, I started to feel a bit dark. Reflective,  frustrated and angry. And that shows up in the third full studio album Flowerhead - It actually is my favorite of all my records but I did rush it and there were many technical mistakes but with it's soul and meaning, it was like the final stage before coming full circle in life... which leads to this new album.

After Flowerhead had runs its course, I was itching to get started on a new project. 
By 2015's end, it was hitting me, at how the world is a bad bad mess (regardless of people's and the mainstream media's facade that everything is just fine but just be scared of Isis and stuff) - at how much has changed in 15 years, how everyone and animals I love are getting older and older and will one day be gone, that I am getting noticeably older, that time is going by so fast, that nothing seems new or original anymore, that maybe no matter what I do or say, my life is always going to be as it is and maybe I truly have just come full circle, as well as the USA and planet Earth.

So, that is the soul and theme for this 4th studio album.
A work in progress, it is already shaping up to be a great record and my best work. I am taking my time on it and I am really going to focus on my vocals - use my voice to its fullest and take more time developing the melodies and harmonies. I do tend to rush the vocal recording of my records and it shows sometimes. Not this record! Hopefully, my physical body will hold up for this for my soul is ready to work!

One a final note, I used to be terrified of death but not so much anymore. I have experienced way too many supernatural and paranormal events (strangers and loved ones who have passed on) to believe that we and our consciousness just stops after physical death. And hell? Ya um... I think we all have to have a life review and what we have done in life DOES effect outcomes in the afterlife but a fire-y place to suffer?? - an exaggerated story to control and brainwash the masses, that's my belief. Still doesn't explain where the hell demons come from though! LOL

Really, there is a large part of me that is ready to leave this retched blue and green ball but also, I don't want people I love to hurt, I still want to be able to pet and love my cats, eat tasty food, experience human stuff. Not ALL is bad on the Earth - so, if I do have cancer or my immune system is done or I get crushed by a meteor, whatever, okay... but I ask God to please give me at least some - more - healthy time for I do have things I still want to accomplish and do but if it is my time to go, I won't question his wisdom!

Jonsona's album is expected to be released this spring - around late March to early May of this year.
Right below will be a link to a separate website (Part 2 of this article) that talks about each individual track of the album and at the bottom of THIS article will be links to Jonsona's two main websites, to catch updates and follow what's going on with one of today's most ignored, underrated and misunderstood artists! - Peace & Love


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